
Spieker vacates PD position at KVMI-FM

Friends & Broadcasters,

It has come to my attention that someone has been posting my name and some really derogatory things that really are not my thoughts meanwhile giving the impression that I reside and post on the broadcast gossip site
Red and 

It can't be any farther from the truth that those are my postings. I will not post there let alone buy into the feces that is posted there. I have been accused by many employers of posting there, when asking for proof they were at a loss and couldn't provide any evidence.

Now that I am leaving (on my own terms) a radio station that is owned by an owner who isn't hardly even present but to collect the accounts receivables and pass out paychecks. Meaning the station is attended by 4 people at the most, and is operated on air by 2 people and an awesome sales team of 2.

Needless to go on about this, I will say this team mentioned above did what I would term the "Impossible".
We turned a profit within 4 months of my hiring. Meaning we had a month that receivables collected that had exceeded expenses. It was something that took a lot of long hours donated to the company and effort beyond the call of duty to bring those results.

This owner has gone as far as mentioning to me many times without a solid piece of evidence that I was posting company secrets on the above mentioned web shithole. Not so.

Today, I was called by a broadcaster in Minneapolis who wanted to confirm my departure from KVMI-FM,
I verified it, and then was told of all the accusations and things people claimed I had said. The person has offered me the poster's IP addresses from the posts in question. I am considering accepting that option on the advice of an attorney.

I am not leaving broadcasting, and have no intention to do so. I am doing what I need to do.

My advice to those who dare continue this behavior is to stop. I do know who you are and so do you.
If you have told anyone any non-truths about my career please man up and correct them.

As God is my witness.

Brian Spieker

Psalm 139 -
You have searched me and you know me
You're familiar with all my ways
You have placed your hand upon me 
With such a knowledge I can't attain
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I make my bed in the depths
If I go up to the heavens
You are there

If I rise on the wings of the dawn 
If I settle on the far side of the sea
Even there your hand will hold me fast
Even there your hand will guide me
You are there

You are there